Get the insights you need to optimise your spaces & the energy used in them

Building: Main
Room: Sky
Meeting room: ABC

the data and adapt to people
Workspaces are expensive and they are usually underutilised. We help you base your decisions on clear insights on how your spaces are being used.
Reduce costs
from day one,
by knowing how & when your spaces are being used and start optimising according to the data.
Live occupancy
Gives you an instant overview and shows you where and what you can optimise.
It saves you time, energy & reduces costs when you integrate our solution with booking, facility management, cleaning or other smart solutions.
Act on data
After a period of collecting occupancy data you will start to see patterns & trends, so you will be able to understand how your spaces are actually being used.
Keep up with the people
Workspaces change as people come and go and demands evolve, but now you have the data that will keep you a few steps ahead.

Save big on reduced real estate costs while enabling a better workplace experience.
Made for all types of spaces.
Ubiqisense tracks usage patterns throughout office floors, meeting rooms, open spaces, and at shared desks.
Anonymous & Live occupancy
The anonymizsed data is then transmitted in real time to help understand how spaces are actually being used.
Know how many people have entered and exited the building at all time.
Explore the details & Compare
Compare spaces, see which work and which don’t with a granularity and frequency that are unmatched by any other solution on the market today.
Go back in time
Get a better understanding of your spaces by analysing the historical data on occupancy and space utilisation.
Get help with the important workspace decisions.
To move or not to move
If you think that you need to move into a bigger or a smaller place, or even if you are considering to go full-on remote, it is a big decision that you should base on occupancy data. The findings might end up surprising you and could potentially save you millions in real estate costs.
Optimizse your meeting rooms
It is a challenge to get it right. If meeting rooms are always occupied, if you have too many of them or if they are too big or too small. These are details that you can understand by analysing the data. Fixing the meeting room challenge will drastically improve workplace experience as well.
Redesign your workspaces
See which areas are most used by people and adapt your workspaces to how they are being utilised. The heat map will show you if there are areas that are not used and can maybe fit an extra mute box, or if there are areas that are too crowded and need to be changed. The data will guide you.
Save energy
When you know the patterns and you spot the trends, then you can adapt energy usage to people. You will know when you can start heating the building, you will know which spaces need to be cleaned and you will even know how many people your kitchen should prepare food for.
Use energy on people, not empty spaces
Let’s face it, workspaces are expensive and they are usually underutilised. We help you base your decisions on clear insights on how your spaces are being used.

IP cameras and video management
If you already have hardware installed, such as IP cameras or VMS, you can use our software to monitor occupancy and people flow with no changes to your existing camera infrastructure.
Ubiqisense easily integrates to help translate video feeds into anonymous people counting and detailed reports - ideal for large spaces and outdoor areas.

Integrations. Endless possibilities
Integrate Ubiqisense sensors with any room booking system, building management (BMS) and workspace platform (IWMS) through API, BACnet or MQTT broker.
Advanced Air Quality Monitoring
Ubiqisense UC-IAQ is an advanced sensor measuring CO2, temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure.
Address CO2 levels indoors and outdoors with one solution, creating energy-efficient buildings with a healthier indoor climate.
Enable building managers to transition existing buildings to a smarter, greener future, benefiting people and the planet.