How Bloxhub maximises every square feet through occupancy analytics

Frederik Tauber, COO, BLOXHUB
"With Ubiqisense's solution, we gain insights on how and when our spaces are being utilised. This enables us to adjust and be ahead of our customers' needs while maximizing our spaces as every square meter comes with a cost.”

A better workplace. Suited for the future.


Bloxhub is a 100.000 square feet co-working space and innovation hub centered in the BLOX building in central Copenhagen.

With a large, modern, and easily recognizable black building facing the water, Bloxhub is the Nordic center of innovation and urbanization. However, it doesn't stop there - Bloxhub and its partners work on both a local and global scale, co-creating an urban future.

By 2050, two thirds of the world's population will have moved to cities, making the urbanisation of society ever more prevalent. The other side of the coin, however, is that this will demand more from the cities and buildings, with cities running the risk of being overpopulated.

“We needed to figure out a  way to utilise the meeting rooms in a much more efficient way.”

Increase human interaction.
Actionable insights.

120+ companies
350 member organizations
more than 800 daily visitors

Having 120+ companies, 350 member organizations, more than 800 daily visitors, and a growing number of new customers, Bloxhub's co-working space is facing a major challenge in providing the best working and meeting environment while reaching maximum floor and room capacity.

What constitutes the biggest pain for Bloxhub are misused meeting rooms and ghost meetings, which is when a room is reserved, but no-one shows up. This is a problem when there's already a capacity shortage.

Balancing between limited space, employee growth, and a fixed number of meeting rooms between the members is an ongoing challenge that needs to be solved.

Adjusting to cater for the future, it's a challenge for Bloxhub to ensure smooth booking, seating, desks, and a good work environment for all users and tenants.

“It’s guaranteed that there will never be enough meeting rooms and increasing more floor capacity is simply not an option.”

Monitor occupancy. Optimise space.

The Solution

For Bloxhub’s business model, adjustments to doing rental and utilising both hot desks and fixed desks are very important. Apart from that, for residents and visitors to be satisfied, meeting room utilisation had to be optimised, and Bloxhub needed data to do just that.

Understanding people, employee, and building behavior became a must, and the intelligent occupancy sensors allow Bloxhub to monitor real-time and historical occupancy data on how meeting rooms, open spaces, break out areas, and desks were used on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Having access to highly granular and accurate data allows for apt decision-making while removing guesswork. With Ubiqisense’ dashboard, you can tailor your insights across your entire building portfolio, or specifically for selected floors, rooms, or departments.

View and compare spaces to gain a deep understanding of redundant or underutilised rooms, busy areas and times, and the optimisation potential of your buildings.

"The analytics dashboard makes it easy to constantly have access to important insight through the data coming from the sensors in the building."

About Ubiqisense

We transform spaces into a living and intelligent environment which stimulates productivity and ultimately shapes the 21st-century workplace.

Empowering human interaction

Ubiqisense is an innovative data analytics platform combined with discreet sensors of Scandinavian design. Providing granular and highly accurate data, companies get great insights that can help them optimize space utilizsation, make better decisions, and increase employee productivity.

Ubiqisense provides both real-time and historical data from our cloud-based solution, and as sensor data is completely anonymised, the solution ensures 100% GDPR compliance and privacy.

Ubiqisense has both local and global customers and partners and was founded in 2016.

People working in a room that is optimized with ubiqisense sensor
cloud-based solution
real-time and historical data
completely anonymized
100% GDPR compliance and private
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